Isle of Anglesey County Council

‘Byddwn yn gwneud yr hyn sydd orau i Ysgolion Môn’, meddai Arweinydd y Cyngor

Council Leader Councillor Llinos Medi says said the authority will “do what is best for schools” as coronavirus cases remain high on Anglesey.

Education Minister, Kirsty Williams, today confirmed a phased return to face-to-face learning of Foundation Phase pupils to schools in Wales from Monday, February 22.

However, with the rate of coronavirus cases currently high on the island, Anglesey Council will consider the situation nearer the time before making a final decision.

Cllr Medi said, “The safety of school pupils and staff is our main priority. We are working with schools and planning for a proposed return to school of Foundation Phase children from Monday, February 22nd.”

“If we are not comfortable that the rate of coronavirus cases on Anglesey is safe enough to allow the return of children and staff, we won't be opening our school buildings."

She added, “Our Education team are working very closely with head teachers and I’d like to thank staff and parents for their continued support during a hugely difficult time. We will now review the situation on a weekly basis and continue to keep parents informed of key developments.”

Yesterday, Anglesey had the fourth highest rate of coronavirus cases (141.3 per 100,000 population) in Wales (out of 22 Local Authorities).

Coronavirus cases soared on the island during January and saw the highest number recorded in a single month since the pandemic began. There were 440 in total – more than November and December combined.

More and more positive cases have been linked to transmission in-between homes in recent weeks. Much of this had been caused by family or friends visiting each other socially.

Transmission in the workplace is also growing with complacency beginning to creeping in as staff continue to car share, and fail to stick to social distancing during breaks and in rest areas.

For the latest Welsh Government guidance, visit:

Ends 5.2.21