Isle of Anglesey County Council

‘At Cross Purposes’: A three-way conversation between two artists and a curator

Oriel Môn will be launching a brand-new exhibition, on Saturday 29 April at 2pm. The exhibition 'At Cross Purposes' is a creative curatorial project initiated by the renowned artist group, Grwp 56 Cymru - 56 Group Wales, in partnership with artists from all over the UK and Ireland.

The project has culminated in a travelling exhibition launching in Oriel Môn, Llangefni. The two-year long project required that sixteen members of 56 Group Wales be partnered with sixteen invited artists for a three-way email conversation with a curator, a form of contemporary letter writing particularly well suited to Covid 19 lockdowns when artists were often confined to makeshift studios.

The project title, 'At Cross Purposes: three-way conversations between two artists and a curator' reflects its mix of conversation, creative practice and imaginative curation. The exhibition is accompanied by a substantial book of these conversations and is available for sale at the Oriel shop. This exhibition and the process by which it was achieved is a must-see for artists, students and the general public.

Oriel Môn’s visitor experience manager, Nicola Gibson, said, “We are delighted to be the very first venue to launch this experimental exhibition curated by Dr Frances Woodley. Our visitors will be amazed by the work on show, which includes a diverse mix of paintings, sculpture, installation, and new media work. The informative conversations had between artists and curator, will I’m sure make this exhibition a well-rounded and enriching experience for everyone.”

'At Cross Purposes: three-way conversations between two artists and a curator' can be seen at Oriel Môn until 11 June.

Oriel Môn is open Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm and admission is free.

For further information please contact 01248 724 444 /

Ends 17 April 2023