Isle of Anglesey County Council

'Archwiliad sicrwydd' yr Arolygiaeth Gofal yn amlygu enghreifftiau cadarnhaol yn ystod y pandemig

Anglesey Social Services supported the safety and well-being of adults and children throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

A recent Assurance Check held by Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW) found that the County Council had continued to deliver its statutory duties during extremely challenging circumstances.

The five-day assurance check focused on how well the Council kept people who needed care and support - as well as their carers - safe during the pandemic and promote their well-being. It also looked steps taken to prevent children coming into care and how quickly they were returned to their families when safe to do so.

CIW inspectors met those who were receiving or had received care and support, including young people; interviewed practitioners; surveyed care providers, third sector organisations, police and healthcare professionals; held talks with partners and elected members; and reviewed case files and other documentation.

Positives highlighted included

  • promoting the safety and well-being of vulnerable people on Anglesey has been the key priority for the local authority during the past year
  • continued contact with people throughout the pandemic – with their views are sought and captured and where needed
  • developing new ways of contacting people and maintaining communication through IT. This will continue even as more opportunities for face-to-face working returns
  • an ‘all hands on deck’ approach during the pandemic saw officers from across directorates helping to meet challenges as they arose
  • good partnerships with independent care and support providers remaining
  • positive examples of joint working between social services and housing services to delivering projects to support people to reconnect and remain within their communities
  • practitioners and managers reporting how well supported they are by leaders and the senior management team
  • a growing expertise in adults services in the area of mental capacity and liberty protection safeguards
  • children benefitting directly from increased knowledge, skills and confidence gained from relevant training provided to practitioners and parents.
  • a strong focus on ensuring children’s voices are heard and using creative means to ensure engagement with children continues
  • strong leadership from senior officers who have made good use of Welsh Government guidance to assess working practices and direct amendments

Anglesey’s Director of Social Services, Fon Roberts, said, “We’re naturally please to have received such a positive assurance check in spite of the pandemic and the extra pressures it has brought on the entire social care sector. Our workforce rose to the numerous challenges posed by coronavirus; with many going above and beyond their day to day roles to ensure that those vulnerable adults and young people continued to receive the care and support they deserve. There are still have areas for improvement, of course, and we will continue to work with the CIW, staff, elected members, partners and practitioners to make further progress.”

Council Leader and Social Services portfolio holder, Councillor Llinos Medi, added, “As county councillors, we recognise and take ownership of our responsibilities to promote the care and well-being of the island’s residents. I am pleased that the CIW’s assurance check has recognised this as well as the positive role of elected members. Lead members and councillors on social care committees and across portfolios have a good understanding of the role of social services. Their commitment to improvement, coupled with a willingness to support our officers and staff to improve through positive challenge and engagement, will allow us to build to the many positives highlighted and stand us in good stead for the future.”

Ends 3 September 2021