Isle of Anglesey County Council

Adborth yn allweddol er mwyn llunio cymunedau’r dyfodol

The views and input of all Anglesey residents, businesses and stakeholders are being sought to help shape future spending and service priorities.

Launched today (Tuesday, 20 September), the ‘Our Future’ consultation survey follows up the ‘Anglesey Priorities: Your Views’ engagement exercise (February/March 2022), which gave individuals and businesses the opportunity to express their priorities for Anglesey.

The eight-week ‘Our Future’ consultation will give Anglesey residents, businesses and stakeholders a further opportunity to have their say as the county council develops and prepares its long term aims and objectives.

The new Council Plan 2023-2028 has been set against a back-drop of the cost-of-living crisis and the severe financial challenges that families are currently facing. The new plan will focus on delivering a healthy, thriving, and prosperous Anglesey.

The ‘Our Future’ consultation asks the public for their views on the proposed priorities in terms of council service delivery; how they should be funded and how the quality of life on Anglesey could be improved.

Anglesey chief executive, Dylan J Williams, explained, “Public spending is under increased pressure as costs spiral. The demand for essential local services is also increasing. Local government is facing difficult decisions to ensure that we can deliver within our means.”

“People want to see the best possible learning and development opportunities for children and young people, care and support for the vulnerable, the local economy thrive, our language and culture to flourish, well paid work opportunities, local services that are easy to access and their communities to be kept clean and tidy. We must also continue to value the environment and respond locally to global warming.”

He added, “Over the coming years, the council will have to focus on its priorities. Careful decisions need to be made on what’s going to make the most difference to local people’s lives in the future, and we will need to concentrate on doing those things well. Therefore, this consultation is essential to inform our aims and objectives for the next five years.”

The new council plan will serve as a focal point for future decision-making at all levels; providing a framework to plan and drive forward priorities; shape annual spending and monitor performance and the progress made.

Its aims and objectives have been developed using the views of local people and partners, political priorities and the Welsh Government’s Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

Council leader, Councillor Llinos Medi, said “I would like to thank everyone who took the time to inform us of their priorities during the February/March (Anglesey Priorities: Your Views) engagement. We have listened to your initial feedback, which has helped us to prepare this important document.”

She added, “Our vision is to create a sustainable Anglesey where residents can live in healthy, thriving and prosperous communities. The new council plan will provide the blueprint we need to achieve this. Working with the people of Anglesey, its communities and partners, our ultimate aim is to deliver high quality services.”

“I would therefore encourage as many residents, businesses and local organisations as possible to have their say as part of the ‘Our Future’ consultation, which runs until Monday, 14 November.”

Please take a few minutes to complete the ‘Our Future’ survey

The online survey can be found here:

Alternatively, you can also pick up (and return) a questionnaire at your local library, leisure centre, Oriel Môn or from the main council offices, Llangefni.

Or you can post it to Our Future, Transformation Services, Isle of Anglesey County Council, Llangefni, LL77 7TW.

Ends 20 September 2022