Isle of Anglesey County Council

Adborth trigolion yn allweddol i gynlluniau lliniaru llifogydd Traeth Coch

Anglesey Council is to consult on plans to help protect homes and businesses in Red Wharf Bay from more severe flooding.

Increasing periods of intense rainfall and high sea-water levels continue to put the small coastal community, near Benllech, at risk.

The existing sea wall did little to prevent seawater inundating the properties along the front in December 2013, with the Boat House Restaurant and one residential property being flooded. The wall is breached by high tides and stormy weather on an almost annual basis, leaving the coastal road and grassed area flooded in many places.

Now, residents and businesses are being asked to have their say on plans to increasing the height of the existing sea wall to a uniform level of 6.06m above mean sea level along the sea front.

The new wall would provide protection from a 1 in 200 year event, and will mean a 0.9 m average increase in wall height along the approximately 500m of sea front.

Anglesey’s Highways, Property and Waste portfolio holder, Councillor Bob Parry, explained, “With the increasing threat of climate change and extreme weather related incidents, it is essential that we put adequate flood defences in place to help protect our local communities.”

He added, “We are continuously working with partners to reduce flood risk on the Island and the proposals for Red Wharf Bay are a prime example of the type of schemes being undertaken. If you are a local resident, or are a part of the Red Wharf Bay community, it is important that you have your say we would like to hear from you as part of the consultation which begins this week.”

Anglesey Council have appointed Ymgynghoriaeth Gwynedd Consulting to design a flood alleviation scheme that will provide the Red Warf Bay community with a greater level of protection from flooding. It is hoped that works can begin before March 2022.

Local residents can fill in an online survey here: and anyone with questions or concerns can contact Ymgynghoriaeth Gwynedd Consulting by phone: 01286 679 426 or email:

Ends 11.8.21