Isle of Anglesey County Council

Adborth y cyhoedd yn ‘allweddol’ i fuddsoddiad hamdden

The County Council has launched a public consultation aimed at gaining a better understanding of local community needs in terms of sport and recreation.

Feedback from both users and non-users, of all ages, is needed as the Council looks to create facilities which will inspire local communities to become more active and healthy.

The four leisure centres in Amlwch, Llangefni, Holyhead and Menai Bridge are central to Anglesey’s leisure provision.

Commercial Leisure Manager, Gerallt Roberts, explained, “This is an important opportunity for people to inform future investment plans. We’d like to see new investment in the Island’s leisure centres and sport facilities over the coming years so that they can enable communities to become more active and healthy.”

“This new public consultation forms part of a wider leisure review to help us understand more about current local needs, which will be key if we are also to meet future demands.”

As a non-statutory service (one which the County Council does not have to provide), Leisure has faced a 60% budget reduction over the last three years. This has meant an end to the provision of some facilities including Llangefni golf course.

However, changing the management approach, improving customer service, and investment of scarce resources over recent years has helped safeguarded leisure centres in Amlwch, Llangefni and Holyhead, as core community assets.

Economic Development and Major Projects portfolio holder, Councillor Carwyn Jones, said, “In recent years, the County Council has responded positively to the challenges facing the leisure service. This has included prioritising our leisure centres, working with communities, investing when possible and developing a more modern and better customer focused service that maximises income.”

He added, “We’re now looking to the future and so I’d urge all residents to play their part in helping us shape the future of facilities and provision. This will help ensure that it continues to play a key role in the health of the community, in line with Wales’ Future Generations and Well-being Act.”

The online survey is available at  with hard copies also available at leisure centres. Closing date for comment: January 4th 2019.

Ends 4.12.18