Isle of Anglesey County Council

Achubwyr bywyd Ynys Môn yn mynd y filltir ychwanegol yn ystod y cyfyngiadau symud

Loyal blood donors in Anglesey have responded to a request from the Welsh Blood Service to ‘donate differently’ by rolling up their sleeves to make a lifesaving donation at one of the Service’s new regional hubs.

Across Wales, of the 6,234 individuals that visited a Welsh Blood Service donation session last month, almost two thirds (65%) of donors attended a clinic that was not their usual donation venue.

In Anglesey, 120 donors came forward to give blood in April, with 38 attending a donation session for the very first time.

Following a series of Covid-19 related venue cancellations and social distancing restrictions, the Welsh Blood Service was unable to host donation sessions at the thirty community venues it would typically visit across Wales each week.

The Service introduced a new collections schedule at the beginning of April which saw collections taken from five regional donation hubs at different locations in Wales each week. Donors were asked to travel to donate at their nearest hub.

Alan Prosser, Director of the Welsh Blood Service, said: “When it became clear we couldn’t continue with business as usual, we knew we’d have to ask donors to donate differently. Our regional donation hubs have replaced our usual local collections programme and the response from donors has been remarkable.

“100% of the appointments we’ve made available since lockdown have been taken and 65% of these appointments have been taken by donors who have been prepared to go even further out of their way than they usually would just to make a potentially lifesaving donation.”

The Service has also observed a sharp rise in the number of new donors coming forward to donate.

Mr Prosser continued: “In April 2019, around 12% of those that attended our donation sessions were new donors. This April, around 17% of our attendance has been people who had never given before.

“We’ve also see a surge in the number of donors who haven’t given in years returning to our sessions to help us boost stocks. It’s been amazing and we’re hugely grateful.”

Blood stocks in Wales have remained healthy throughout the pandemic as the reduced collections activity has mirrored a reduction in the volume of blood used by hospitals. However, the Service is urging donors to continue to attend their local sessions as and when lockdown restrictions are lifted.

“Blood stocks are currently very healthy thanks to the commitment of new and existing donors but we need people to keep giving blood to ensure we can continue to meet hospital demand in the coming months. Travel to donate is considered essential travel and anyone who is fit, well and eligible to donate can book an appointment through the website.”


For further information contact the Donor Engagement and Communications Manager, Andrew Harris via 07483222188 or

About the Welsh Blood Service (WBS) 

  • Travelling to donate blood is considered essential travel.
  • Additional measures have been put in place during the pandemic at every blood donation session to make the experience as safe as possible for donors, including;
  • additional Covid-19 screening for donors
  • social distancing measures throughout our clinics
  • PPE is worn by all collections staff.
  • If you are unsure if you are eligible to donate please view our COVID-19 dedicated webpage for further information
  • All our donation clinics are now by appointment only – no walk-ins are currently being accepted.
  • WBS supplies blood to 19 hospitals across the whole of Wales.
  • Anyone aged between 17 and 66, who weighs over 50 kg (7st 12lb) can become a blood donor but there are height and weight restrictions for females under 20 years old.
  • Following Government advice, we are currently unable to accept donations from donors aged 70 or over.
  • l blood donations are tested for: HIV (the aids virus); Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Hepatitis E; HTLV (Human T Lymphotropic Virus) and Syphilis.

    The regional donation hubs for May and June are:

    Week commencing 11.05.2020


    11, 12, 13, 15


    11, 13, 14, 15


    11, 12, 13, 14, 15


    11, 12, 13, 14 15

    University of Wales (Bangor)

    12, 14

    Week commencing 18.05.2020

    Llantrisant Leisure Centre

    18, 19, 20 21 22

    Newcastle Emlyn

    18, 19, 20, 21

    Llandudno Junction

    18, 19,


    18, 19, 20, 21, 22


    19, 20, 21, 22

    Cardiff Met (Llandaff campus)

    21, 22

    Week commencing 25.05.2020


    26, 28


    26, 27, 28, 29

    Cardiff Met (Llandaff campus)

    26, 27, 28, 29


    26, 27, 29

    Swansea Grand Theatre

    27, 28, 29

    Week commencing 01.06.2020


    1, 2, 3,4,


    1, 2, 3, 4, 5

    Mold Theatr Cymru

    1, 2, 3, 5


    1, 2, 3, 4, 5


    4, 5